For students of 'Global Studies Seminar: News', Autumn 2016

GSS Presenters and Readings

How the class works

There are three or four short chapters or paper extracts to read each week, everybody should read them and prepare any questions they need to ask during class. In addition the ‘presenter’ should prepare themselves to explain the content of their assigned reading to the rest of the class(see below for guiding questions), this short (10-15mins) presentation should include the basic information about the reading; who wrote it, perhaps a little on their background, the main ideas, theories referred to and concepts the paper talks about and also a description of any data they refer to/make use of. The back-up presenter should also try to be prepared to step in if the main presenter does not come to class.

We should all be prepared to discuss a few basic questions about each of the readings;

  • What does the author want to tell us?
  • What evidence does the author use to support their argument?
  • What are the most important concepts and ideas used in the paper?
  • Are there any particularly important (perhaps controversial) words that need to be thought about carefully?
  • Why has the author chosen the ideas they focus on and how have they used them?
  • If there was anything in the paper that you didn’t understand, what was it?

Weekly Arrangements

Week 15: New/Social Media and News (and Japan)

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
TATYALIKA Keshia none Future of Newspapers-FRANKLIN 2008
LIN Keng-Wei none Newspapers Experiment Online- Story Content after a Decade on the Web BARNHURST 2012
MENG Jing none Japan Secrecy Law-REPETA 2014
WATANABE Ai none The mission is to keep this industry intact VILLI+HAYASHI 2015

Week 14: New/Social Media and News

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
HARAGUCHI Hibiki IRFAN Araqi A Question of Time? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship between News Media Consumption and Political Trust STROMBACK 2015
HUANG Jing-Ting JIN Yu Social Media and Political Campaigning- Changing Terms of Engagement? JENSEN 2016
INOUE Misa TATYALIKA Keshia What Trends in Chinese Social Media YU ASUR HUBERMAN 2011
KAMEYAMA Koichiro RAUNER Robin Fact Checking the Campaign- How Political Reporters Use Twitter to Set the Record Straight (or Not) CODDINGTON 2014

Week 12: Feedback on review drafts

Please come to class at the times specified below:

Name Time
TANAKA Hiroki 0900
MENG Jing 0900
FAN Chuhan 0900
INOUE Misa 0900
JIN Yu 0900
TATYALIKA Keshia 0900
CUANDY Eunice 0945
HARAGUCHI Hibiki 0945
HUANG Jing-Ting 0945
LIN Keng-Wei 1015
KAMEYAMA Koichiro 1015
RAUNER Robin 1015
IRFAN Araqi 1015

Week 11: Objectivity & Ideology of News(2)

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
CHAT-AMP. Woraset INOUE Misa Zelizer, p340
CUANDY Eunice LIN Keng-Wei Picard, p355
FAN Chuhan MENG Jing Merritt, p365
TANAKA Hiroki WATANABE Ai Bardoel, p379

Week 10: Objectivity & Ideology of News

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
IRFAN Araqi CHAT-AMPAIWONG Woraset Tuchman, p297
JIN Yu CUANDY Eunice Soloski, p308
TATYALIKA Keshia FAN Chuhan Hallin, p329
RAUNER Robin HUANG Jing-Ting McCombs & Shaw, p320

Week 9: Sources of News (2)

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
INOUE Misa HARAGUCHI Hibiki Sigal, p224
WATANABE Ai IRFAN Araqi Gitlin, p267
LIN Keng-Wei KAMEYAMA Koichiro Hall et al, p249
MENG Jing TANAKA Hiroki Gans, p235

Week 8: Economics / Sources

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
KAMEYAMA Koichiro RAUNER Robin McManus, p180
HARAGUCHI Hibiki JIN Yu Tunstall, p191
HUANG Jing-Ting TATYALIKA Keshia Gieber, p218
INOUE Misa LIN Keng-Wei Sigal, p224

Week 7: Economics of News

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
CHAT-AMP. Woraset HUANG Jing-Ting Bagdikian, p148
CUANDY Eunice INOUE Misa Golding and Murdock, p155 This is a tricky one, bear in mind they are writing to define a new approach (CPE)
FAN Chuhan MENG Jing Herman and Chomsky, p166
KAMEYAMA Koichiro WATANABE Ai McManus, p180

Week 6: More news production!

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
RAUNER Robin CHAT-AMPAIWONG Woraset Davies 2011, Flat Earth News ‘The Workers’
LIN Keng-Wei FAN Chuhan Schlesinger, p121
TANAKA Hiroki CUANDY Eunice Bantz, p134
JIN Yu IRFAN Araqi Krauss, 2001, Broadcasting Politics in Japan ‘The 7pm News’ Quiet a wide-ranging article so concentrate on the features characteristic of Japan.

Week 5: Production of News (cont.)

All readings are from the book this week.

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
TATYALIKA Keshia HARAGUCHI Hibiki Golding and Elliot, p112
LIN Keng-Wei HUANG Jing-Ting Schlesinger, p121
MENG Jing INOUE Misa Ericson et al, p97
WATANABE Ai TANAKA Hiroki Fishman, p102

Week 4: Production of News

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
IRFAN Araqi CHAT-AMPAIWONG Woraset The ‘gatekeeper’- A case study in the selection of news MANNING WHITE 1964
JIN Yu CUANDY Eunice Shoemaker, pp73–8
KAMEYAMA Koichiro FAN Chuhan Sigelman, pp85–96
RAUNER Robin HARAGUCHI Hibiki Social Control in the Newsroom- A Functional Analysis BREED 1955

Week 3: Definitions of News (cont.)

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
HARAGUCHI Hibiki KESHIA Tatyalika Dayan, D. and Katz, E. Media events: The live broadcasting of history. About certain specific types of events rather than any event that news reports
HUANG Jing-Ting LIN Keng-Wei Molotch & Lester, Purposive Behaviour
INOUE Misa MENG Jing Boorstin, D. The Image
TANAKA Hiroki KAMEYAMA Koichiro Roshco, B. Newsmaking

Week 2: Definitions of News

Presenter Back-up Presenter Reading Notes
CHAT-AMPAIWONG Woraset RAUNER Robin Lippmann, W. (1946). Public opinion. Transaction Publishers.
EUNICE Cuandy TANAKA Hiroki Galtung, J. and Ruge, M. H. (1965). The structure of foreign news. Journal of Peace Research, 2(1):64–91.
FAN Chuhan WATANABE Ai Park, R. E. (1940). News as a form of knowledge: A chapter in the sociology of knowledge. American Journal of Sociology, pages 669–686.
IRFAN Araqi JIN Yu Harcup, T. and O’Neill, D. (2001). What is news? Galtung and Ruge revisited. Journalism Studies, 2(2):261–280. Not in the book, download only

If the files mentioned above are pdfs that I provide and aren’t taken directly from the Tumber book, they may be marked instead with green (GO!) and red (STOP!) lines; start reading at the green lines and stop at the red! (Of course, you can read it all if it’s interesting and you have time.)

Presenters (and back-up presenters) should read their text thoroughly and come prepared to explain to the rest of us what it was about - see the questions above for some guidance on what you need to cover in your presentation. Everyone else should try to read (or at least skim) all the readings and come to the class ready to ask questions and participate in discussion. Just to remind you, participation in class is 40% of the grade and the best way to get a good grade is to bring good questions and participate in trying to answer them. Good questions will help everyone understand better, probably even me!

If you have any problem accessing the readings please let me know as soon as possible and I can try to fix any technical problems there might be.

See you in class!