design – Pictures made with a camera


Blog Most of the images on this site are details of photographs I have taken over the past few years. Some of the full images are in the gallery below.

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research – Visual Communication paper

Social Distance Portrayed

Blog Camera framing sizes and social relations in Japan and the UK

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research – Japanese Studies paper

At the Digital Watershed: Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in Japan

Blog The switch to digital broadcasting in Japan and what it might mean for the future of the industry.

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research – Bank Accounts in Japan

How many is enough?

Blog Money, actual cash, still has an important role in Japan, and having places - LOTS of places - to keep it seems to be pretty important.

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research – Television licenses

NHK announces licence fee payment rates

Blog How many of Japan's television households actually pay to watch NHK?

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news – Olympic broadcasting

Japanese commercial broadcasters lose money on London Olympics

Why show the Olympics?

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